Apr 2023

Fitnessstudio eröffnen: Erfahrungen aus 5 Jahren AURUM Studio in Zürich Kreuzplatz

Angenommen du erfüllst dir heute deinen Traum und eröffnest dein Fitnessstudio, wie könnte es in 5 Jahren aussehen? Welche Gewinne und welche Auslastung wirst du in dieser Zeit erreichen? Wir können zwar nicht in die Kristallkugel schauen, aber unsere Erfahrungen aus 5 Jahren AURUM Studio am Kreuzplatz in Zürich mit dir teilen: unser Weg von der Eröffnung der ersten AURUM Filiale bis heute zum ausgebuchten Fitnessstudio. Erfahre hier unser Learning und was du draus für dein Fitnessstudio mitnehmen kannst.
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Tobias Hackl
Jan 2021

What actually happens when I don't workout?

Recently, I have actually received a few messages - be it via WhatsApp, SMS, or mail. Most of them had a discreetly desperate undertone and read, for example, "I see how my muscles, steeled with a lot of commitment, are fading away". But what happens in such a situation where you do not give your body the necessary stimulus and are there perhaps some quick tricks with which you can counteract a "physical decline"? Of course, and I'll show you how.
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Tobias Hackl
Muscle Gain
Jul 2020

Investment banker by day, athlete by night: How Raymund Bareuther combines job and rowing on a national level

Raymund advises company owners and investors on the acquisition, merger or and sale of companies. A job that requires precision and professionalism. Mental strength is therefore one prerequisite for long-term success. Despite or perhaps because of his little free time, Raymund has managed to be the number one rower in different categories time and time again. How does he do that? The current Swiss champion (age group Masters A) in the single and double scull shares in an interview his training routine, his new passion which came out of the corona crisis and his dietary choices. The AURUM High Intensity Training also has a weekly 20 minute slot in his busy agenda.
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Tobias Hackl
Jun 2020

Top 15 tips: Choose only 2-3 favorites and optimize your body in the short and long term

These 15 simple tips will help you optimize your body & get hormones into balance. Implementing only 2-3 tips can already improve metabolism in the short and the long term. My current favorite tip is #13: Strike. Stroll. Shiver as suggested by Ben Greenfield. In the long term, this not only helps your body metabolize fat and build up your bone and muscle mass but also rejuvenate your cells (autophagy).
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Tobias Hackl
Fat Loss