Mar 2021

Stronger is better: How to improve your performance and reduce the risk of injury

Ever been to a physiotherapist or orthopedist? Every year, around 400,000 athletes are injured in sports accidents in Switzerland, over 90,000 of them in winter sports. You can't train for accidents, but you can increase your body's resistance. For top athletes, this is a regular routine. In the event of an injury, athletes receive optimal, round-the-clock care from several specialists. For a regular sports enthusiast, the situation looks quite different. One invests much less in injury prevention and preparation and needs much longer for recovery and readiness to sport. So what can you as a regular sports enthusiast do to enjoy life as pain-free as possible and save visits to physical therapists, orthopedists, and surgeons?
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Dr. med. Andreas Krüger
Feb 2021

Neuroplasticity: How the 6 Minute Workout changes your brain

Exercise isn’t all about your body. In fact, building muscles and conditioning your heart and circulatory system are mere side effects of working out. Exercise is really about your brain. But not just any exercise. It’s one that challenges, frustrates, and rewards to an extent that signals neuronal changes in the brain. While resistance training is known to not just train your muscles but also the muscle-nerve connection, there is so much more to it. With 80-100 billion nerve cells, known as neurons, your brain is capable of some astonishing feats. If you understand how to make your brain change for the better, you know the ultimate longevity secret to keep your mind bright and clear and your body capable of performing at the age of 100.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Feb 2021

Once upon a time: What actually happens in your body during the 7 days after the 6 Minute Workout?

"Surely that's a scam!", "That can't work"... These are the rather harmless statements made by many people when they first hear about high intensity strength training. Typically, these skeptics turn into enthusiastic brand ambassadors for us as soon as they realize bit by bit after the trial training: "There is something to it after all". The others who wave us off without having done a trial training can't be helped anyway. So what's the magic that happens in the 7 days after the AURUM high intensity training?
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Posted by 
Julian Massler
Muscle Gain
Jan 2021

What gets measured, gets managed: our favourite wellbeing apps

Using various apps and related routines can help you get to the results you want (or help understand why you're not getting the results), increase awareness, expand knowledge or develop a habit. My favorite under-appreciated motivation for using the self-tracking apps is that it is a way to think more deeply about something that's going on in my life. Having tested different wearables and apps praised by scientists and healthy lifestyle enthusiasts, I came to the conclusion: what gets measured, gets managed, and after it gets managed, it doesn’t need to be measured anymore. Take food tracking or meditation: once you learn and build a habit that serves you, you don't need to continue tracking with "obsession". So, what are the best wellbeing apps worth your attention?
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite