Dec 2023

Can muscle building with AURUM Training accelerate recovery after injuries?

Injuries can be real setbacks, right? Whether it's a sports injury or a planned surgery, recovery often takes time and requires immense patience. But here's the good news: Those who focus on muscle building beforehand will recover faster.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Muscle Gain
Nov 2023

Back pain: What can you do about it?

Back pain is the most common ailment. Almost everyone has experienced tension or pain in their back at some point. Relying solely on painkillers may not be the solution to the problem. But what can help? Discover what you can do to combat back pain for a pain-free and active life.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Aug 2023

Sarcopenia - what can be done against muscle atrophy?

You become unsteady when your muscles disappear. Every year from the age of 30, we lose between 0.3 and 1.3% of our muscles. This is a natural aging process. Learn in the article what happens with the declining muscle mass as you age and what you can do about it. Because sarcopenia (muscle atrophy) is preventable.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Jul 2021

18 effects of high intensity strength training

Why do we call the 6-Minute Workout, an adaptation of High-Intensity Strength Training, the closest thing available to a magic pill for your health and wellbeing? Learn here about the 18 health & wellbeing effects, which you can only achieve in one go by doing a correct strength training workout.
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Posted by 
Julian Massler