Apr 2021

Health and performance at F1 level: That’s what you need to know to increase your strength and well-being in everyday life

As a visitor or patient at the Hirslanden Clinic, you have more in common with a Formula 1 driver than you think. An F1 driver who spends 7 hours in the car (and another 7 hours in meetings) needs maximum endurance, strength and the best reaction time to repeatedly cross the finish line safely and quickly. Executives with 90 Key Performance Indicators or seniors at the age of 75 want to improve or maintain their performance in a different context, whether it is a corporate project or hiking with the grandkids. To take it to an "F1 level in life", you have to look at the body holistically and consider muscle strength as one of the most important measures of prevention and rehabilitation. Whether it is in motorsport, in business or in everyday life. In medicine, we speak of primary and secondary prevention.
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Dr. med. Dr. phil. Anna Erat
Mar 2021

Stronger is better: How to improve your performance and reduce the risk of injury

Ever been to a physiotherapist or orthopedist? Every year, around 400,000 athletes are injured in sports accidents in Switzerland, over 90,000 of them in winter sports. You can't train for accidents, but you can increase your body's resistance. For top athletes, this is a regular routine. In the event of an injury, athletes receive optimal, round-the-clock care from several specialists. For a regular sports enthusiast, the situation looks quite different. One invests much less in injury prevention and preparation and needs much longer for recovery and readiness to sport. So what can you as a regular sports enthusiast do to enjoy life as pain-free as possible and save visits to physical therapists, orthopedists, and surgeons?
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Dr. med. Andreas Krüger
Oct 2020

How strength training helps prevent injury, heal faster and enjoy sports uncompromisingly at all ages

Prehabilitation is an upcoming field in interdisciplinary medicine. The Wikipedia definition reads as follows: Preoperative rehabilitation, or prehab, is a form of multidisciplinary healthcare interventions which aim to dampen the side effects of medical or surgical intervention. We go beyond this definition and show in this comprehensive guide to strength training based prehab that we need to optimize range of motion, flexibility, strength, and balance in order to deliver effective prehab. Let's dive in and see what our 6 Minute Workout can do for your specific need.
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Julian Massler
Muscle Gain
Jun 2020

Long runs, or how to run 20km with fun and without injury

Nothing is more controversial and feared by some runners than the weekly “long run” or the half marathon distance. Do you feel the same way? If so, try these running tips suggested by a serial marathon finisher and running coach who outlines how to achieve long-term running goals, have more fun running and avoid injuries.
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Michael Sommer