Feb 2021

Once upon a time: What actually happens in your body during the 7 days after the 6 Minute Workout?

"Surely that's a scam!", "That can't work"... These are the rather harmless statements made by many people when they first hear about high intensity strength training. Typically, these skeptics turn into enthusiastic brand ambassadors for us as soon as they realize bit by bit after the trial training: "There is something to it after all". The others who wave us off without having done a trial training can't be helped anyway. So what's the magic that happens in the 7 days after the AURUM high intensity training?
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Posted by 
Julian Massler
Muscle Gain
Jan 2021

Damage control measures: What to do before, during and after a feast to stay in top shape despite overeating and overdrinking?

Jingle bells, ji-jingle bells, gin-gin cin-cingle bells!... After popping the corks and soaking 2020 in excellent sparkling wine and high volume "elixir", the next day the stomach starts rumbling, the head booming and the body screaming for water. Holiday celebrations are meant to be enjoyed, which we usually exaggerate a little thanks to our human nature. Too much eaten, too much drunk, who can't relate to that? To make sure you can swing into the days after the party feeling at your best, we have compiled a damage control measure list. With this knowledge, you will stay in top shape despite double portions and % volume content in your glass!
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Nov 2020

Sweet blood, bitter destiny: how to fight diabetes effectively?

‍This article is especially for you if you don’t have diabetes (yet). And if you do, jump straight into the last section and see if there’s a candy surprise for you. The 14th of November is World Diabetes Day, which is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organisation. On this occasion, we'd like to raise your awareness and point out preventive measures so you can avoid (or delay) devastating complications, such as heart disease, nerve damage, blindness, kidney failure, and amputations. Well, and the risk of premature death which is 50% higher in the case of diabetes.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Nov 2020

6-minutes for a strong immune system

I was wondering lately how I can boost my immune function in case I get the corona virus or any other infection for that matter. So I did some research and created this quick guide on what the immune system really is, how it is affected by our food, exercise, sleep, lifestyle choices and specific how tos for you. I hope you enjoy it and it gives you a sense of control and self-reliance in these times.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite