Feb 2021

The perfect strategy for a strong, lean, healthy, and happy body

Suppose you want to look and feel as good as possible by the time the sun is out and quarantini will be replaced with a bellini. Suppose you also want to live as long as possible. Suppose you want to optimize your hormone balance, energy, mood, fertility, strength, power, and cardiovascular capacity. Suppose you want to introduce only the most effective strategies into your routine - not to prepare for a triathlon, casting for Baywatch series, or swing your hips on a catwalk - but rather to maximize your wellbeing and look good naked. What’s the perfect strategy for a strong, lean, healthy, and happy body?
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Fat Loss
Jan 2021

The 15 most common mistakes to avoid when losing weight

Have you been religiously fasting and drinking apple and kale juice for 3 weeks, eating salads, avoiding refined sugars, and jogging 5 to 10 km every other day and still haven't achieved any success? No, of course, you don't do all that, but maybe you think you should do more of that to burn fat. To lose weight effectively and prove to your colleagues and yourself that you can stay (or even get) fit this year without going to the gym, you absolutely must avoid these 15 mistakes:
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Posted by 
Philipp Andris
Fat Loss
Nov 2020

Top 3 myths in weight loss debunked and 3 tips to make it finally work for you

Burning fat is not as easy as watching a steak frizzling in a hot pan. Burning fat or losing weight is a process that requires some know-how, attitude, and lifestyle choices. We asked nutrition coach Michael Bachmann what most clients struggle with and what makes them successful so that you can pick and test the best weight loss tips for yourself. First, Michael debunks the fat loss myths and misconceptions and gives his best tips to boost fat burn, including when to eat what... or not.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Fat Loss
Nov 2020

How to fight those 5-10 kilos that magically appeared in your 30s and won't go!

We all know those 5-10 kilos that simply creep in between our 30s and 40s, for women usually after the first pregnancy and for men gradually over the first ten years of their career. No matter what we do, they just won't go away! Why? The closer you get to your goal (and the older you get), the slower the weight loss seems to be happening. In this article, you'll learn what can be the reason, why these last stubborn kilos simply won't go away despite regular exercise and a "healthy diet" and what can you do about it despite your age or stage of weight loss. A guest blogpost by nutrition experts at metabolic4you.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Fat Loss