Sep 2020

Op-Ed: 5 simple rules to live by

Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step – Chinese proverb. Or even better: “Many false a step was taken by standing still” – fortune cookie in a Chinese restaurant. This is true for most of us, thank you, Mr Wang! Have you ever wondered why some people have seemingly no problem staying in great shape, while others struggle immensely all their lives? Over the last year, we have interviewed outstanding experts for and with you in the field of inflammation, nutrition, high intensity training, sleep and a clear picture starts forming in my head. Learn about it here.
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Julian Massler
Aug 2020

Op-Ed: Why wearables are not worth your money

Wearables wear off extremely fast. Dad joke, I know, sorry it´s because I will be one in January. I have card blanche now. But seriously, how many of you have a Fitbit or other wearable fitness, activity or health tracker? Most likely it sets dust in the corner after the initial excitement. If you are not a professional athlete or biohacker, wearables are simply not worth your money. Let's explore why.
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Julian Massler
Jun 2020

21 tips for great sleep (and sharp mind and forever 21 look)

Why someone who regularly sleeps well and enough, is up to 50% more cognitively powerful and looks younger? Why is chronic fatigue so widely accepted? Our performance society demands it from us! Donald Trump boasts of only 4 hours of sleep, we see what comes out of it. Today we know that 4-5 hours of sleep is enough for a few people. These people have a genetic mutation (what an advantage! - the X-men of sleep). Everyone else needs 8 hours of eyes. Basta!
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Philipp Andris
Jun 2020

Sleep hacking: count sheep to fall asleep or try these 7 hacks

Sleep gives our body the chance to rest and recover. It fills up our energy storage, identifies and reinforces what has been learned, strengthens our emotional resilience and immune system. Insufficient or poor sleep leads to reduced brain performance and increases the risk of serious health issues. How to improve sleep?
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite